Monday, August 26, 2013

Diras a la incomparable Dulcinea...

-Dirás a la incomparable Dulcinea que su valiente caballero murió por acometer hazañas que le hiciesen digno de poder llamarse "suyo"
- Chano...
- Al final, sabes, creo que eso es el amor: hacer lo que tenemos que hacer para ser dignos del ser amado
- Si, pero... ¿qué es lo que tenemos que hacer?
Porque debería ser mucho más fácil...
- Es mucho más fácil. Pero nosotros lo complicamos. Pensamos que amar es tener derechos, pero la ironía del amor es que se funde en renuncias; Pensamos que amar nos legitima a tener y nos olvidamos que amar es ceder, darse.

Friday, May 24, 2013


Querida Sabiduría,

Digo sabiduría por ser la belleza de un nombre como lo es “Sofía” que naciste con mucho más que sabiduría y estrellas en el alma. La vida misma ha sido la encargada de enseñarte que algunos sueños son de esos que están destinados a alcanzarse, o deberían, en medio minuto. Más allá del abismo entre la suerte y la dedicación a ellos, se espera por llegar a alcanzar esos sueños una vida entera y al final son consumidores  energéticos, generadores instantáneos de alegría, satisfacción y orgullo. Este es tu momento mi pequeña.

Si hay alguien que me ha enseñado el verdadero significado de “estás aquí para ser feliz” has sido tu mi querida sabiduría, la pasión y la felicidad que el atletismo te ha dado es admirable de maneras increíbles. Siempre he sido de esas firmes creyentes en esas personas que a pesar de los problemas aman eso que hacen y dejan el corazón y el alma entera por mejorar día con día. Justamente esas personas son las que valen la vida entera conocer y resulta que yo, pues, tengo la suerte de tenerte a ti en la mía. Decidí escribirte esta carta porque se lo difícil que es para ti dejar el miedo atrás.

Sé que hoy despertaste con más dudas que respuestas en esa cabeza tuya y debo decirte que no solo saldrás a esa pista a correr con un corazón latiendo sino con 4 más que van contigo dándote las fuerzas y seguridad que necesitas siempre (papi, mami, mana, gabriel y rebelde) ya eres nuestra medallista, no de oro porque esta devaluado y mi papi te lo puede confirmar, pero un buen diamante jamás perderá su valor; así que a brillar con todo tu esplendor en esas carreras gorda de mi vida! Esas ganas de sobrepasar la meta de tus propias marcas es lo que debe mantenerte motivada siempre, justo ese momento de total concentración cuando estas a punto de escuchar el GO! Olvida todo y concentrada totalmente en esa pista y recorda esto: “Este es tu momento de brillar como lo hacen las estrellas en medio de noches oscuras”, no importa que tan oscura o difícil sea tu competencia las estrellas siempre salen a darnos ese maravilloso brillo por las noches.

No te digo que será fácil el día de mañana porque sé que estarás cansada y las dudas no te darán tranquilidad, pero salí a dar el 100% sin pensar en que es lo que podrá pasar, y animo que aquí desde tu pulgarcito de América tienes a todo un ejército apoyándote y rezando porque todo te salga bien. La confianza y la capacidad para lograr lo que quieras esta en ti mi querida sabiduría, nunca lo olvides por un segundo en estos días.

No me queda más que recordarte lo mucho que te amamos y no dudamos en que les darás de que hablar a toda tu competencia estos dos días, pero más que todo esa pista te vera volar no correr. Animo Sofí corre con toda la suerte del mundo, recorda que ya sos nuestra campeona!

Con amor,

Tu Mana.

P.D: Lee esta carta antes de cada competencia y sé que te dará el empujón que necesitas para volar, ahora salí a ganar campeona!

Saturday, May 11, 2013



Hace un par de días me recordaron la ilustre frase: “El futuro pertenece a aquellos que creen en la belleza de sus sueños” y debo agregar: ¡Vaya que hay sueños bellos! A tan solo unos días de finalizar el polémico 2012 y en vísperas de navidad, debería reinar ese espíritu de amor, perdón, generosidad, esperanza y paz. En medio de un tiempo difícil creo que nada devolvería ese espíritu como una historia real, de esas que merecen ser contadas por el valor transmitido, para recordarnos la magia y el misterio escondido de ese “todo es posible” durante la época más maravillosa del año. Solo si de verdad quieres creer lo imposible esta navidad, arriésgate a leer lo siguiente.

Esta historia comienza con unos niños con un corazón más grande que su estatura, unas ganas de saborear la victoria, apasionantes pero sobre todo un amor hacia el deporte que realizan desbordante. Los días 23-25 de Noviembre se realizo el VI Campeonato Centroamericano Infantil A y Juvenil C de Atletismo en Costa Rica, donde participaron jovenes entre 13-15 años. 

La travesía de nuestros atletas inicia con un bus cargado de sueños e ilusiones, padres dando sus ultimas bendiciones a sus hijos y entrenadores dejando todo en manos de sus atletas que partían rumbo a este campeonato, sin imaginarse el largo camino. Enfrentándose a pasar por fronteras donde uno de nuestros atletas es detenido y obligado a regresar a El Salvador, este jamas se permite abandonar ese sueño con el que partió y es así como la fe, valentía y perseverancia de su entrenador, que había sido notificado de este incidente inician la lucha por volver al camino de ese sueño. Es así  como tras enfrentar a varios inconvenientes

pero nunca haberse rendido, los pone a ambos, alumno y maestro, bajo sus propios medios de nuevo rumbo a Costa Rica con sus corazones puestos en un mismo ideal.

La Delegación de atletas salvadoreños llega a costa Rica a altas horas de la madrugada del 23 de Noviembre, día en que inician las competencias. Después de un largo y cansado viaje, pero con las ganas de salir a la pista y dejar en alto a nuestro país siempre al máximo.  Así es como con poco descanso, un viaje largo de altos y bajos, uniformes prestados, entrenadores apoyándolos a la distancia, sin patrocinio alguno, zapatos desgastados, algunos descalzos estos jóvenes arrancan una jornada de competencias con el afán de coronarse victoriosos en el deporte que les apasiona. lo impresionante de esta historia es el increíble final, que podría convertirse en el nuevo inicio de grandeza para El Salvador, con el apoyo necesario.

El atleta detenido en una frontera logra enfrentarse a la adversidad del camino y llega un día después de nuestra delegación a Costa Rica, sin nada mas que la increíble confianza de un entrenador que dio todo para llegar ahí con su muchacho. El cual ese mismo día sale a pista a correr como un campeón ganándose una medalla de bronce y otra de oro en su siguiente competencia. Los jóvenes atletas salvadoreños a pesar de haber vivido una verdadera aventura para poder llegar a este campeonato nunca se dejaron vencer frente a los problemas, nervios, cansancio, condiciones y dudas. 

A pesar de todo lo relatado me llena de alegría comentarles que estos niños soñadores, lucharon con todas sus fuerzas y nombraron a El Salvador Campeón Centroamericano Infanto Juvenil 2012 con: 14 medallas de Oro, 5 medallas de Plata y 8 medallas de Bronce, así como también, Campeón Centroamericano de Kids Athletics.

 No cabe mas que mencionar que estos atletas llegaron a su tierra, con medallas en sus cuellos, satisfacción  hermandad, felicidad y sobre todo sonrisas provocadas por un sueño cumplido que perdurara siempre en ellos. Creo que podría afirmar que estos jóvenes mas que medallas se han ganado un lugar en el corazón de muchos de nosotros, salvadoreños, y puedo finalmente recalcar que el futuro le pertenece a estos pequeños gigantes que creyeron en la belleza de sus sueños.

Monday, December 24, 2012


Hello my dear bloggers!

As I promise to leave a post before Christmas here it goes, I am glad to wish you all a Merry Christmas, lots of joy and happiness to everyone out there reading this. I want to give a piece of my entire heart to all of you guys who supported this blog since the very beginning. Right now I'm working on a special surprise of "maybe I'm dreaming" that I will be posting soon over here, so have an awesome time guys and most of all I wish you all lots and lots of love!

December is back, a month of joy, happiness, smiles, red and green decorations everywhere we turn to. I think that's why is my favorite time of year, you can almost feel the Christmas Spirit coming into our homes. Tell me how awesome it is to get together for one night and forget about everything else to focus just in friends, family and love. Imagine what a magic and powerful stuff this month can bring us, doubts turns to beliefs, anger to forgiveness, hate into love and friends turn to family. The thing is I absolutely adore this time of year were everything is possible and food is so good :)

I still don't understand how great it is to be a part of such a magic time of year, some of us take it as the start of something new, some might say it is a new beginning or even the world might have ended for some of us, the important thing is to be strong and enjoy every second of this magic, specially love. To all my friends and family I wish for the best on this Christmas time, peace and true Christmas Spirit in every heart. Let peace and forgiveness be in our hearts and souls.

This year let's dream like little kids, but work as adults to conquer does dreams. I want each one of us to think about that someone with whom we might be mad, or don't tolerate at all, even hate them a little and give them a call, a text, an inbox, whatever you like the most. Remember great times are about to come. Taste the real Christmas Spirit today and enjoy of the Holidays!

Lots of LOVE to all my dear bloggers!

Ocean Eyes

P.S: remember you can all write me to or follow me on twitter at @mayBimdreaming I'm more than glad to read all your mail with ideas and stuff to write. Here is a great song to all of you, hope you all enjoy.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012



Isn't it awesome how things turn out to be just the way they are supposed to? I always had my doubts about the common phrase: "everything happens for a reason", but some days, I can really tell that is a universal truth. The thing is we wake up to a new day not knowing what this new beautiful morning will involves us in, and that's what we all love, even tho we won't admit it, the surprises. Don't you all love that feeling of wondering and not knowing what's gonna happen tomorrow? That mystery something we can even consider it as a sexy thing lately is all we want.

Somehow surprises can make us happy, because we kind of enjoy the unexpected. But, just giving a deep thought about this, it turns out really awkward, think, how can we also get failure and betrayal from other surprises when we enjoy mysteries so much? It's an easy matter, we tend to get or hopes too high, of course we like that, is all about the mystery thing isn't it? If anything I have learned in life is to expect less from others always, because we never really know who can surprise or betray us. Trust is something we earn from others, and reward to those who deserve it, but I won´t deny once any type of trust is broken, it is a long way down to earning and healing it back. Don't get me wrong I believe somewhere around the huge universe someone worth our trust might exist, but for now I decide to remain my doubts about it. I'll tell you in the future if I change my mind about it. 

And then there are tiny little lies that claims to fix every unfaithful situations that has been broken, called promises. Believe me when I say: "someone who breaks a promise once, will do it again in the future", I do believe in promises that leads to actions, but I surely don't give a crap about the types of words that are meant to save just a bad moment. If you really mean something you are allow to say it, for the other way around just keep it to yourself and save some problems of your own. It should be as easy as that, I still don't know why we always like to complicate matters. Once more, it is simple: if you can't keep a promise then don't make one and everything will be alright.

I must confess I live in a world where trust is more like a myth, lies had become part of our everyday lives, betrayal can be found in all our surroundings, smiles are fake, hugs feel meaningless, real friends are long gone, and worst of all people are willing to take a friend down to get whatever it is wanted to achieve. Let me ask you now, is all you are losing worth whatever you are achieving? Right this moment is when I think: "everything happens for a reason", maybe it was time to teach us a new lesson of life. Just maybe these is how things were suppose to happen around, even though we don't understand these lessons that life has to show us one way or another, I am sure we will understand somehow why things happen a certain way, because thing might fall apart so that other things can fall together.

Everyday I wake up thinking why was I destined to this spot right here somewhere around the world? I'm not complaining I love it here, but I really hate what it has become of my surroundings. When we could have so much to be proud of, we have chosen to be ashamed of our land, not because of ourselves but because of the bad decisions the people who live in it had made for us. After asking myself that every single day, I ended up giving me the same hopeful answer: "I must be here for a reason", and then I choose to believe in that, for been able to never forget what a huge change can one person be able to do, and of course for never loosin the hope of a better tomorrow. At the end of the day we are left with nothing but to trust that that reason will always be for the best.

If you are going through some kind of problem, just remember we'll always have a tomorrow for things to get better. Don't give up just yet, because the day you decide to stop trying will be the day  life has beaten the crap out of you, and I don't know about you, but I had always been thought to rise up as double as the pain you can be feeling from the fall. So no matter how horrible the fall can get, remember how strong you are and show life how you can get up, shake the dust away and continue walking through it twice better the person you were. We might not understand why some things had to happen a certain way but I can assure you the reason will always be for the best, just have a little faith and keep on walking forward. Remember: believe that you can and you'll  be half way there.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012



How to make you understand?
That I can barely stand,
a second without you and,
letting go of your hand,
won't take us near wonderland.

I love you all the time,
but lately our love tastes as lime.
We surely can't deny,
together we still  look divine.
Baby please, It's never fine,
to act speechless like a mime.

You'll always be my sunshine,
even when we seem over the moonshine.
Hate and love can travel in the same lifeline,
but routine kills all love in this heart of mine
tell me, do you knows what is a rose without spine?

Today we reach the magic thirty six,
that is nothing but six plus six.
There's alot I still ignore turning a mix,
and honestly doubt if we can fix.
Help me, pick up all this bricks.

This is the last poem I can give,
so help me get to live,
the life I always wanted to captive.
Honestly I'm staying for the only motive:
'Cause I love you massive!

Sunday, September 23, 2012



Lately, I've been thinking how things just seem so perfect and yet there is always someone complaining about life. We can choose to get the world as a miracle or as a mystery, both of these have the same origin, life. Make a stop of whatever it is you are doing right this moment and help me think about this, how awesome it is that human life was place in a perfect place of the galaxy, where it is not too cold but neither so hot? How great it is that our human anatomy and functions are so well established that to understand it doctors take almost all their life studying it, and still some parts of it remain a mystery? What can we say about that magnificent breaking dawns and sunsets we've got, that gives our life hope for a better tomorrow? Which one of you haven't stared at a beautiful night and seen the lighting of the starts, even the magic moon is always there to remind us what a perfect world we've got? I really think there is so much more of life we don't even realize being so trapped out in the daily routine. The problem is when we finally realize life happens in blink of an eye time has almost gone away. So why do we have to waste so much time to appreciate such a wonderful world we have? 

Every morning we get up with the purpose of surviving a new day, when we should wake up with the only purpose of living each day and enjoying all of the good stuff not drowning ourselves in the bad stuff. I had the great opportunity of meeting some little angels at a "National Kids Hospital" struggling with a terrible disease, who teach me so much more than I will ever be able to teach them, no matter how hard their situation or pain was they were always in the mood of sharing a smile for me. Remembering this I realize how many smiles do you share each day? How many "thank yous" do you give? But, most of all how many I am sorry do you have mean today? Someone told me once, that for making a change we had to believe we can change first and if schools or our progenitors will teach us stuff like that another reality will strike this world.

I was born a dreamer what can I say, but that doesn't  change the reality that I was raised in a society where a four letter word doesn't always means love, instead we daily have terrible pain and no one seems to be doing anything about it. I choose a career where I could be able to make a change and help people above all, the truth is no one said it will be easy or a short road for me ever, nor will we doctors be able to take a rest of the world. My country daily news on paper, the web or on television show a terrible reality of violence, lies, corruption, selfishness, misery, fear and thousands of other things I really hate facing. Sometimes I wake up to a new day where I fear thing will go even worst than they already are here, but that's when I remember a kids smile so innocent, pure, genuine and that's what keeps me going on in such a difficult road. 

Have you ever ask a kid what do the want to be when they grow up? You'll probably get all sort of answers an engineer, lawyer, doctor, vet, parent, astronaut, singer, actor, fire fighter, police, teacher, economist, scientist, magician, a princess, power ranger, spider man, superman or even batman and alot of more great roles; that's because they really believe in the beauty of their dreams and hopes, kids see souls where adults haven't seen even hearts anymore and it's our twisted society the one who ends up messing with their head and turning them to one more "surviving adult", instead of a "living happy one". That creativity, spirit, honesty and dreamers is what adults have forgotten, but most of all we have given up believing in a better world, in a better tomorrow and in creating solution instead of making bigger problems all the time.

People talk about a "crazy world" but they don't do anything to change that, nor even try anymore to be happy with the amazing things we have in front of us. I have seen, heard, tasted, touched and smelled suffering not just in the eyes of alot of people which has definitely broken my heart, but I've seen it in the eyes of those little angels and it has completely broken my soul, then pulled me back together a smile from their lips, a big hug from their hands but most important the faith they will never loose.

Why can't we believe in a better tomorrow then? If we are able to wait, make, deliver and take care of a miracle  for 9 months why does the world keeps falling apart? I'm one of those persons who likes to give without expecting anything in return, maybe that's why I'm here now who knows, but if we can pursuit our happiness and make our dreams come true why can't we make our surrounding a better place? 

Maybe I'm dreaming by believing it is still a wonderful world, that things will lead us to happiness eventually and expecting we won't be afraid of affecting change. Next time we face a hard situation we should think about kids and place a positive attitude to share a smile, believe me it's much easier to find a better solution that way, instead of loosing control. Tears will always appear sometimes, no one said they won't but as I said earlier we will always have the sun come out to bright our tomorrow, we must just believe like a kid does.