Tuesday, December 4, 2012



Isn't it awesome how things turn out to be just the way they are supposed to? I always had my doubts about the common phrase: "everything happens for a reason", but some days, I can really tell that is a universal truth. The thing is we wake up to a new day not knowing what this new beautiful morning will involves us in, and that's what we all love, even tho we won't admit it, the surprises. Don't you all love that feeling of wondering and not knowing what's gonna happen tomorrow? That mystery something we can even consider it as a sexy thing lately is all we want.

Somehow surprises can make us happy, because we kind of enjoy the unexpected. But, just giving a deep thought about this, it turns out really awkward, think, how can we also get failure and betrayal from other surprises when we enjoy mysteries so much? It's an easy matter, we tend to get or hopes too high, of course we like that, is all about the mystery thing isn't it? If anything I have learned in life is to expect less from others always, because we never really know who can surprise or betray us. Trust is something we earn from others, and reward to those who deserve it, but I won´t deny once any type of trust is broken, it is a long way down to earning and healing it back. Don't get me wrong I believe somewhere around the huge universe someone worth our trust might exist, but for now I decide to remain my doubts about it. I'll tell you in the future if I change my mind about it. 

And then there are tiny little lies that claims to fix every unfaithful situations that has been broken, called promises. Believe me when I say: "someone who breaks a promise once, will do it again in the future", I do believe in promises that leads to actions, but I surely don't give a crap about the types of words that are meant to save just a bad moment. If you really mean something you are allow to say it, for the other way around just keep it to yourself and save some problems of your own. It should be as easy as that, I still don't know why we always like to complicate matters. Once more, it is simple: if you can't keep a promise then don't make one and everything will be alright.

I must confess I live in a world where trust is more like a myth, lies had become part of our everyday lives, betrayal can be found in all our surroundings, smiles are fake, hugs feel meaningless, real friends are long gone, and worst of all people are willing to take a friend down to get whatever it is wanted to achieve. Let me ask you now, is all you are losing worth whatever you are achieving? Right this moment is when I think: "everything happens for a reason", maybe it was time to teach us a new lesson of life. Just maybe these is how things were suppose to happen around, even though we don't understand these lessons that life has to show us one way or another, I am sure we will understand somehow why things happen a certain way, because thing might fall apart so that other things can fall together.

Everyday I wake up thinking why was I destined to this spot right here somewhere around the world? I'm not complaining I love it here, but I really hate what it has become of my surroundings. When we could have so much to be proud of, we have chosen to be ashamed of our land, not because of ourselves but because of the bad decisions the people who live in it had made for us. After asking myself that every single day, I ended up giving me the same hopeful answer: "I must be here for a reason", and then I choose to believe in that, for been able to never forget what a huge change can one person be able to do, and of course for never loosin the hope of a better tomorrow. At the end of the day we are left with nothing but to trust that that reason will always be for the best.

If you are going through some kind of problem, just remember we'll always have a tomorrow for things to get better. Don't give up just yet, because the day you decide to stop trying will be the day  life has beaten the crap out of you, and I don't know about you, but I had always been thought to rise up as double as the pain you can be feeling from the fall. So no matter how horrible the fall can get, remember how strong you are and show life how you can get up, shake the dust away and continue walking through it twice better the person you were. We might not understand why some things had to happen a certain way but I can assure you the reason will always be for the best, just have a little faith and keep on walking forward. Remember: believe that you can and you'll  be half way there.


  1. I love it!! Me encantó,todo lo que decís es verdad! :)

  2. Gracias! Todo pasa por algo al final, es la verdad.

  3. This one is good, because it is true, everything happens for a reason, and I know that it's hard to find for the best in difficult situations. There is a saying I apply for this moments, might sound like if I have no feelings, or that I don't care, but it works...every situation is diferent, and every person is different as well. The saying goes like this: "If it's not going to matter in 5 years, don't spend more than 5 minutes being upset or sad, about it. - 5 by 5 rule.-
