Monday, June 25, 2012



Once in a while every story has to end. An ending doesn't always mean a sad story, sometimes an ending it's just the perfect opportunity for a new beginning, a new adventure and another great story. Beginnings always scares us because we fear the unknown, but remember every once in a while a taste of the unknown is exactly what our life's need to get back on the right road.

What hurts the most about new starts is the goodbyes we had to say to keep moving forward, but maybe those goodbyes are just faith way of saying: "see you later". A well spend life is the one in which at the end of our time we can say: it was all worth it! I don't believe in regrets, because it only develops hate in our hearts, but I do believe in changes. Changes we make in life do matter, every change has a secondary effect and sometimes we  regret the change because, it produces a greater effect we weren´t expecting. That moment in which we create a whole new dimension of changes, one after another and so on, is what we usually like to  called: moments of impact. A moment of impact is the one situation that will stay in our mind as a memory, we like it or we don´t, good  or bad, it will remain with us forever. So we gotta be careful with those moments and their secondary effects. 

For every goodbye we leave behind life will sure reward us with great new hello, no matter how long a new beginning took to start, at the end of the story that beginning will be the moment of impact from which every great success will take place to happen. So that where it is the huge importance of this stuff. I just read that every great story always has the most amazing finale, but every right story never has an ending because it's lived each day at a time, the best of all and my personal favorite is the fairytale in which we are free to choose the ending but still the make believed has to end eventually. 

According to life patterns we can choose which story to enjoy and write it freely page to page, but what happen to those who decided to pick great story after great story? We end up with a heartbreak after heartbreak and at the end we give pieces of our heart to the one who deserves every beat of a healthy entire heart to love and care. 

The best way to go through life is not fearing new beginnings, new opportunities, new sunshine's, new stars, new perspectives, new mistakes, new air, new dreams and most of all new possibilities of reaching happiness. We must learn to create a single right story that will be lived in a million different ways, with a little more than a bit of magic from a fairytale in it. That way we can be able to say at the end of the great adventure of living: it was all worth it, and if I had the chance to live again, I will live each day exactly the same I just did without regrets. Every year we are given 365 opportunities to write a new story, so tell me what's your story?

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Queridas Amigas:

Hoy, hace unos años, nuestras vidas se encontraban a punto de cambiar totalmente, nuestros caminos se separaron al salir cada una en la búsqueda y conquista de un sueño para algunas, una pasion o un reto para otras. ¿Que mejor momento para recordar? ¿No? Antes quisiera afirmar que nada de lo que dije dentro de las paredes que nos vieron crecer, jugar, estudiar y gozar ha cambiado, siguen siendo dueñas de mi gran cariño. ¿Y como no quererlas si hemos vivido juntas una gran parte de mi vida? Hemos disfrutado momentos que de cuando en cuando, regresan a mi memoria y es inevitable que no venga una sonrisa a mi alma. 

Amigas mías, hoy he despertado con las ganas de decirles tantas cosas, que a pesar de no hablar y no vernos tanto como quisiera están en mis pensamientos siempre. Permitanme contarles que estoy orgullosa de poder afirmar que, no cambiaría nuestros maravillosos recuerdos por nada de este mundo. Me llena de alegría escuchar los diferentes caminos y destinos que cada una habéis alcanzado durante este tiempo. Alguien me dijo por ahí que alguna ha encontrado la ilusión y magia del amor, me han dicho que otra ha encontrado la felicidad y el significado de la libertad, me cuentan que otras habéis descubierto la bendición y responsabilidad del trabajo, me han comentado que muchas han llorado de alegría, tristeza, frustración y decepción en sus caminos pero nunca se han rendido, incluso me dicen que por ahí algunas transmiten su alegría y dedicación lejos de nuestro país y aun con nostalgia del pulgarcito jamas han dejado de ponernos en lo alto, me informaron que otras nos deleitan con la belleza de las artes, me dijeron que alguna ha logrado manejar la ciencia de los números con facilidad, me entere también que la mayoría habéis encontrado el verdadero significado de la amistad y el amor, me dicen que muchas aun en las dificultades nunca han perdido esas sonrisas, dijeron que también algunas han comprendido el significado de aprender y enseñar, hablan que muchas se han equivocado, pero que así han aprendido que errar es humano y levantarse de las caídas es de valientes; otros afirman que la mayoría sigue soñando y brillando a lo grande adonde sea que se encuentren y estos mis pequeñas me llena de felicidad y orgullo.

Quiero que recuerden que esos años que pasamos juntas no ha sido solo tiempo, sino momentos que tal vez no volverán pero han quedado en nuestras memorias. Nunca olvidemos: "que a un amigo no se puede olvidar, y que a los amigos nada los separara, porque a un amigo se promete una eterna amistad y se quieren, que siempre podas confiar". Y a pesar de la distancia o circunstancia de la vida nada podrá superar lo que hemos compartido. No me queda mas que decirles lo mucho que significan para mi y la manera en como quiero a cada una de mi Class09, sepan que siempre tendrán a una amiga en mi.

 Así que mis queridas amigas y compañeras después de 3 años de estar por caminos distintos, con lagrimas en los ojos de alegría, esperanza y orgullo les sigo deseando el mejor de los éxitos, las mas grandes alegrías, bendiciones infinitas y los mas maravillosos recuerdos. 

Con todo mi cariño,


Thursday, June 7, 2012



They say every action has an equal and opposite reaction. For every change you make there will come another change you probably weren't expecting. What people omit when they tell us this, is that with every action you take, since the moment you were born the reaction provoked will always, I mean always, will affect another person.

First, family, then friends and eventually lovers. After knowing this well kept secret someone please tell me what's up with the need to impress everyone around us always? As it turns out "society" as everyone calls it today gets to decide everything important for everyone of us, and the sad part here is that anyone who gets the guts to break the rules is judge badly.

Let's give it an intense though here, since we were born society has a plan for us. Rule is we're born, grow attempt to school where we better get good grades, wild teen years, high school drama and all of a sudden college and university arrives; where everyone strikes with what is supposed to be the decision of "our lives" society called it, the new generation called it careers. Seriously, when was the last time someone asked you if that was the plan you wanted for this beautiful gift we got called LIFE? We are forced to follow all this steps to get at the end what? exactly a job, so we can kill our happiness and juv to earn enough money for buying stuff we need and luckily if our jobs allows it raise a family.

We live in a world were people is to afraid to change, were we like easy instead of possible and challenge stuff, were fear is stronger than happiness, were everything that falls apart from the rules is bad, were love and forgives has became nothing but just simple words, were money is more important than happiness and sadly were we have lost all respect for our life's with drugs, addiction, murders, bulling, terrorism, corruption, lies, sexual abuse, abortion, suffering, pain and even murders. Spite of all this terrible stuff what´s even worst is that "society" blames our generation for what? mistakes they made raising us  into a messed up world?

So what should be more important? Let me be honest, I believe we only live once and will all of this be worth it at the end? I'm just convinced we should do what really makes us happy but how are we going to be able to do it if there is always something or someones telling us what is right and what is wrong. At the end we just gotta believe in us, we are here for a reason right?