Monday, May 21, 2012



Time, they say time heals almost everything but the real question here is, what happens when not even hours can make the pain go away, when minutes have turn into hours and seconds are nothing more than just wasted time. I used to refuse to be a lover but let’s face it what are we really for in these world? At the end, we are just simple humans trying to make it out alive of this huge universe, although we consider life worth living for one reason: Happiness.

To talk about happiness people usually need to be able to forgive, forget and specially to let go and search for a better way to move on. These is where the real problem begins, no one really teach us how to survive, how to reach that desperately wanted happiness, what is and what is not worth fighting for, how to let go, what to wish when there’s nothing left, how to love and don’t end up hurt, how to protect your heart and indeed, how to deal with pains, so at the end of a new day what matters the most is we all desire happiness.

We started a new day as normal human beings a cup of coffee, maybe some milk with the hope that just maybe today it’s all gonna be alright, just maybe today everything will fall into place. In my case is something like that, in a good day I place a smile, in a bad day I place a smile. So what’s the deal here? There’s always a smile. Feelings are our worst enemies here, we feel because we care, even though we don’t really give the external importance. We know that between love and hate there’s a thin line that places them together in reality, even though at the end we all know who will win the fight and when we realize that love is the solution sometimes we think it is too late to make it better. But, wait! here strikes a weird word:  late what is the definition of late in a parallel universe, where human kind has misunderstood the difference between right and wrong? I believe the word late doesn’t really exists in normal time speaking, because when we are late is because every action has an equal reaction and wasted time punishes us with that word: LATE, so it becomes more like some kind of choice.

Destiny is the next mystery after time; we hang on to it forgetting that the real deal is to make it our own worthwhile choice. Instead of making our own destiny we try to live by the one “believed” to be chosen for us and let good and even perfect times to pass by. This makes me wonder, how many people never had the courage to get the one they want but ended with the one they’re supposed to have?

These principles are applied to love, because it’s kind of funny how everything revolves around “love” but not everyone knows the real meaning of it.  LOVE what a great word! Four letters of innocence, two syllables of joy, an indescribable feeling and eventually a magic meaning. This tiny little word is what makes our life worth living.

So at the end of the day, we should do what makes us happy, be with who makes us smile, laugh as much as we can breathe, but most important of all we should love as long as we live. Remember, a good life is when you are able to assume nothing, do more, need way less, smile often, dream big, laugh hard and realize how bless you really are. 

Sunday, May 20, 2012



An angel just stop by
From heaven above the sky,
Asking if I can slowly try,
To make my eyes stop the cry.

Instead he hold my hand to apply
And with love gave my eyes a dry,
So afterwards he can just imply,
To let him take me on a moonlight fly.

-"Why do we must grow old and wise?
And why do we even waste our time?"
I started to asked, not thinking about "Dice".
My angel just gave a glance but added and rise:
-"Baby, you know you're starting to cry?"

-"Anyway you should know I'm good and nice,
I won't play or waste your perfect time.
 I'm sure letting you keep the moon for all times, 
but make sure to remember, otherwise
You're an angel too so, stop feeling like a mice".
That's how my angel won a broken heart that great nite.

Then, I couldn´t do anything but remind
How that wonderful, perfect night,
A prince took away more than just a sight.
So what happen to our forever "right"?
When the truth is we never had a fight, 
And I´m sure you gave me the moon as a light.

-"Angel you can´t gift me the moon,
when it's already in my hands at noon!
Once a prince swear that it was all mine for good
And in my heart it will live as a magic tune".

Can you even believe the prince had to leave so soon?
And left my heart feeling like a goon,
When we hadn't even reach to June?
Where did our love lost it's magic tune?
Angel tell me how can my heart get immune?

My angel respond with such a lovely voice:
-"My darling, you took the wrong choice,
But I'm here now and will make your heart rejoice
That's why you should know, I'm your right choice
And I'm the only heart that will give yours wings and hoist".

-"I love the way you are already ahead
And can see how our future outspread,
For sure an angel like you will never lead
A heart like mine broke or misled.
Anyway, you should know this is not a threat
 But, I'm definitely keeping my moon", I said instead.

My beautiful angel is so much better,
But he must know that no matter whatever:
I'm keeping my moon always and forever,
Because it's the only thing that keep me and him together.
And that's how my prince will know however, 
Even though I have an angel so clever,
Our moon will remain alive forever and ever!


Monday, May 7, 2012


I LOVE YOU…what a phrase!

Dear you:

Everyone searches to  hear those words…but just a few get the privilege to  whisper and hear those words with true meaning…

Let me take you to when you whisper it into my ears, when a incredible feeling wakes up in me with those magnified three words that can only be heard by my ears to assure me once again that they are just for me cuz a feeling like this is pure, unique, magical, one in a kind.

You’ve felt love you said? I don’t believe so cuz if you would this wouldn’t be feeling so pain full and we could feel the joy it brings. This is love they assure? Well it is something much greater than love is an in mortal feeling!

We don’t belong together? Come close to our eyes and the entire world can confirm our love is one in a billion. Search our hearts and you’ll find our search for the other half ended up with a yes that bright magical night.

A great life started right away, and everything we know changed in a drastical way. Two different hearts glanced at each other and in a magical moment mixed with time the whole world stopped spinning around to be able to tight  the beat of these two different hearts in a mystical moment that known in real time beats as one.

I promise to love you till death do us apart? People usually got the wrong idea when they walk down the ile that marriage is a commitment till death do us apart, well I promise you my dear, my beloved, my only one, my friend. I’ll love you now, tomorrow and the day after that, not until death do us apart because even after death I plan, no,  I know I’ll love you with my entire body and soul like I do up to now.

Love is such a magic that develops much more beyond than death, so why do you love him people may ask? Well the reason is quite simple and quite difficult all at once. Let’s see an easy way to explain these, do you remember that strange moment when a kid writes down a letter to Santa Claus and believes with his entire heart that his wish for this year is going to become true?  Well, that’s the feeling I’ve got since the first time I saw you! The truth is, I fall in love with so much more than just your physical appearance, I enter more deep in you and explored your heart and soul and let me assure that there’s barely someone like you in this universe. You are not just my beloved, but my best of friend, my angel that protects me, the prince that saves me, maybe just the one I’ve been waiting all my life for.

I love the way your hair grows so fast, your eyes used to shine every time I looked at you, your face turned light red with very kiss and those hugs that had always made me feel like the safest person in the world. Yeah you conquer my heart completely but the truth is after this time by your side I still love you more than before.

I hate when you get mad, those mad eyes that hurts so deep inside of me! They can  nearly kill me inside, I hate that stupid pride of yours that makes cry all the time, I even hate the way you ignore me after a huge fight but the truth is that without that I wouldn’t be the strong person I am now so I guess I’ll have to thank you for that. Because without even realizing you do great stuff in me, you manage to bring the best in me all the time.

I can say you patience is what I admire from you, and the ways you listened to people it shows that you sure have a great heart and honestly I think sometimes I don’t deserve someone like you. All this time has gone flying by and it’s great how happy we were together. I’ve been writing these letter for so long I cannot remember for sure when did I started it, but I really hope you like it!

So these is where the hard part starts, I want you to promise me no matter what our happiness will always come first, and for that I need to know that you are completely happy with me by your side. Cuz I won’t mind to leave from here whenever you want, but I want you to be completely happy with yourself. I want to be able to feel that kind of love people always write about, the kind that music is about, the kind movies are about and I really want you to feel that with me too.

So when someone approaches me and asks me the real reason of why I love you, I will quietly say because he is my entire world. My life revolves around so that’s easy to explain. I really do hope tho, that our love makes it till the end of times. Cuz I wouldn’t want to change a thing about you ever! I fall in love with you once and after years I keep falling for more. So my beloved sweetheart, I love you with my entire being and more! Don’t ever lose that smile I love so much and more important, don’t ever lose that great heart of yours!

I love you!



After huge emotions strike our brain and human existence, is our body the one who starts developing ways to deal with the pain inside. That's when nightmares, insomnia, crying, sickness, failure, low self esteem, eating disorders and stress stars to suck life out of us leading into some sort of depression. 

Just a few hours ago, I had to experience an awful nightmare that I can´t even explain without breaking in tears. Obviously this event cause me insomnia afterwards, so I decided to clean my computer documents and erase the useless things. Imagine my surprise when I found a letter that was written a couple of years ago, and my own writing make me seem to be so different, while re-reading it I could almost felt the smile and happiness I must have experienced at that time. I'll post the letter so you can judge for yourselves, later.

This unexpected situation brought more tears to my eyes, and made me realize how lost we can get in our way without even realizing it. Where does my sincere smile has gone? How do we get back to the good old days? The thing is we can't live in the past because it is just a bunch of memories and some lessons learned too, the present is in our hands and we can decide what to do with it every moment so, we should take advantage of this beautiful thing called liberty, the future is not yet to come so we should just not stressed that much for it, but we should essentially learn to plan the great and successful future we want. Saying all of this is simple, the hard part comes when it should be taken to practice in everyday routine, but who said it was going to be easy, right? and of course if it is not easy at the end it will be worth it. 

I know nightmares and hard stuff will continue to appear but the sun will always come out to remind me that darkness just lasts a short period of time. A dear friend place a smile in my face and told me nightmares will end someday and maybe he is totally right, I will get my smile back in time and tears "they will stop when the dawn comes, when laughter returns, when the sweetness of life touches your lips once more" I was told. The secret to keep going on is to trust this angels God place in your way to remind you how beautiful life really is, sometimes what we really need to hear after a bad day is an honest I love you to bright our day, a hug to make us feel safe and some words that can make us change. So thanks my beloved friends! Lots of love to all of you...


Wednesday, May 2, 2012



One thing I've learned throughout time and experiences is that "over thinking" can leads us to pretty bad choices, but it can also save us from awful fatal mistakes. Some situations need us to make a pause in the routine of our lives and brainstorm ideas in search of the best solution to our problems. This moment right here is where I'm making a pause, just to STOP and search deep inside your feelings, When was the last time you took a risk without thinking about what others may think? When was the last time you experience a happiness that was felt in every spot of your mind and body? When was the last time you place a smile in someone elses face without expecting something in return? 

I'm a believer of the quote: "everything happens for a reason" and of course I do trust a tiny little but really important thing that almost everyone forgets about called HOPE, this is my dear friends what will always keep us going on. No matter what kind of trouble we might get ourselves into, hope will always be there to rescue us at the end, but we must not forget to remember it. It's more a tradition that when we usually over think something of great importance, we ended up choosing what we don't really want but, instead what we "think" we want and will be best for us.

Here it is were we should get  this straight, if you take too long picking a solution, probably you'll take the wrong way and eventually secretly or publicly regret it. I'm lucky I've got great people around me most of the time taking care of me and reminding me how wonder full life can really get, even though I tend to shut people out of my life because of the fear eventually getting hurt brings. To over take this fear we gotta understand that we are nothing more than humans, and eventually we will make some pretty bad mistakes that might hurt other people we cared about badly and surely ourselves will get hurt in the way too. So this is where over thinking leads us to act childish and choose the path of pain, hurt and betrayal, blinding ourselves to take the safe solution instead of the right one. Then we start having doubts, crying ourselves to sleep and blaming everyone else except for us, so, this is when hope steps in, reminding us that we should all deserve second chances to make things right again and then we can start to feel a little better.

In my own personal experience I used to pick the safe choice instead of the right choice, and can assure I avoid lots of painful situations, but at the end I paid a much greater price for those over thought choices. I lost people I used to love, miss things I would have happily done, I shut part of myself to communication and trust. When maybe all I should have done was hope for a better tomorrow, hope for a new day, a fresh start and the most important of all hope that people can really change.

Right now, I'm in the middle of what I want and what's better for me, surely for now I won't make the mistake of "over thinking" this through, I'll just pick the one I desire and wish the most for the first time in a long time. Let's leave fear behind, past behind, lessons learned and future plans aside from us, and made room for happiness to stick around in our lives. 

So my dear I dare you to leave everything behind and come with me to start a new life, I can't promise everything will turn out fine but I'm really sure this will be worthwhile.