Monday, May 21, 2012



Time, they say time heals almost everything but the real question here is, what happens when not even hours can make the pain go away, when minutes have turn into hours and seconds are nothing more than just wasted time. I used to refuse to be a lover but let’s face it what are we really for in these world? At the end, we are just simple humans trying to make it out alive of this huge universe, although we consider life worth living for one reason: Happiness.

To talk about happiness people usually need to be able to forgive, forget and specially to let go and search for a better way to move on. These is where the real problem begins, no one really teach us how to survive, how to reach that desperately wanted happiness, what is and what is not worth fighting for, how to let go, what to wish when there’s nothing left, how to love and don’t end up hurt, how to protect your heart and indeed, how to deal with pains, so at the end of a new day what matters the most is we all desire happiness.

We started a new day as normal human beings a cup of coffee, maybe some milk with the hope that just maybe today it’s all gonna be alright, just maybe today everything will fall into place. In my case is something like that, in a good day I place a smile, in a bad day I place a smile. So what’s the deal here? There’s always a smile. Feelings are our worst enemies here, we feel because we care, even though we don’t really give the external importance. We know that between love and hate there’s a thin line that places them together in reality, even though at the end we all know who will win the fight and when we realize that love is the solution sometimes we think it is too late to make it better. But, wait! here strikes a weird word:  late what is the definition of late in a parallel universe, where human kind has misunderstood the difference between right and wrong? I believe the word late doesn’t really exists in normal time speaking, because when we are late is because every action has an equal reaction and wasted time punishes us with that word: LATE, so it becomes more like some kind of choice.

Destiny is the next mystery after time; we hang on to it forgetting that the real deal is to make it our own worthwhile choice. Instead of making our own destiny we try to live by the one “believed” to be chosen for us and let good and even perfect times to pass by. This makes me wonder, how many people never had the courage to get the one they want but ended with the one they’re supposed to have?

These principles are applied to love, because it’s kind of funny how everything revolves around “love” but not everyone knows the real meaning of it.  LOVE what a great word! Four letters of innocence, two syllables of joy, an indescribable feeling and eventually a magic meaning. This tiny little word is what makes our life worth living.

So at the end of the day, we should do what makes us happy, be with who makes us smile, laugh as much as we can breathe, but most important of all we should love as long as we live. Remember, a good life is when you are able to assume nothing, do more, need way less, smile often, dream big, laugh hard and realize how bless you really are. 

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